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Time calculation for a givenn period

  1. #1

    Time calculation for a givenn period

    Hello everyone,

    Please consider the following scenario: I have a set of resource for which
    the total resource hours remaining (A1) for a year (Jan to Dec) has been
    calculated by subtracting the scheduled hrs. from the total hrs. Lets say I
    have project start date as "May 1, 2005' and end date 'April 30, 2006' and
    from this I can find the time in hrs between these two dates. Now I have to
    find the resource availability for this period. I know the resource
    availability for the present year (A1) (that is from May 1 to Dec 31). But I
    need to know the resource availability till April 30, 2006. I understand that
    I should add the resource availability for this year and resource hrs for the
    period Jan to April of 2006. I was wondering whether I can get a formula to
    automate it since I will be dealing with many projects which may begin and
    end at any date of the year. Please help me out. Thanks for your suggestion
    in advance.


  2. #2

    Re: Time calculation for a givenn period

    Hi KT

    the networkdays function will give you the number of working days between
    two dates (inclusive) - where a working day is considered monday to friday.
    So, if you calculated the number of working days between your project start
    & finish (or whatever time period is specified) and then subtracted the
    number of public holidays, the number of days annual leave etc and then
    multiplied the remainder by the number of hours in a "day" you should end up
    with the information you want.

    information on NETWORKDAYS from help ---

    Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date.
    Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays.
    If this function is not available, and returns the #NAME? error, install and
    load the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

    the syntax is:
    having said that, i would personally suggest investigating MS Project to see
    if that is a better fit for your needs than Excel.

    check out www.hcts.net.au/tipsandtricks.htm
    ....well i'm working on it anyway
    "KT" <KT@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Hello everyone,
    > Please consider the following scenario: I have a set of resource for which
    > the total resource hours remaining (A1) for a year (Jan to Dec) has been
    > calculated by subtracting the scheduled hrs. from the total hrs. Lets say
    > I
    > have project start date as "May 1, 2005' and end date 'April 30, 2006' and
    > from this I can find the time in hrs between these two dates. Now I have
    > to
    > find the resource availability for this period. I know the resource
    > availability for the present year (A1) (that is from May 1 to Dec 31). But
    > I
    > need to know the resource availability till April 30, 2006. I understand
    > that
    > I should add the resource availability for this year and resource hrs for
    > the
    > period Jan to April of 2006. I was wondering whether I can get a formula
    > to
    > automate it since I will be dealing with many projects which may begin and
    > end at any date of the year. Please help me out. Thanks for your
    > suggestion
    > in advance.
    > KT

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