Thank you very much Dave... all is working fantastic now!

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

> It's kind of difficult to see what's going on, but if you have a unique key in
> the range on Sheet2, you could use Data|Validation to choose that unique key and
> then =vlookup() to return the additional columns.
> See Debra Dalgleish's site for tips for Data|Validation:
> and for =vlookup():
> Aaron Saulisberry wrote:
> >
> > Is there a way to create a drop-down list in cell A1 on sheet1 and pull data
> > from the followin range of cells (on sheet2) and then place that data in
> > different cells back on sheet1
> >
> > A B C D E
> > F G
> > 1 R-22 B2 776SH 874.85 103.8 -0.1 90847 -87
> > 2 R-22 B2 779SH 876.35 103.7 -0.1 90836 -88
> > 3 R-22 B2 787SH 874.85 103.6 -0.1 90637 -87
> >
> > I dont know if this is possible but any help would be much appreciate.

> --
> Dave Peterson