On Sat, 23 Apr 2005 05:46:45 -0400, "Jim May" <jmay@cox.net> wrote:

>Both these functions are yielding/displaying the #NAME?
>in cell A1 which contains either =ColumnLetter(AB5) or ColumnLetter($AB$5)
>ColLetter(AB5) or ColLetter($AB$5)..
>Any ideas as to why?
>Thanks in Advance

Best guess; you have the function definitions in a different workbook
from the workbook that you have the formulas in.

If the functions below are in your Personal.xls workbook (say), then

should work, but this:

gives me the result you describe.

You might also consider saving the functions into an add-in. (.xla)

>Function ColumnLetter(Rng As Range) As String
>ColumnLetter = Left(Rng.Range("A1").Address(True, False), _
> InStr(1, Rng.Range("A1").Address(True, False), "$", 1) - 1)
>End Function
>Function ColLetter(Rng As Range) As String
> ColLetter = Left(Rng.Address(False, False), _
> 1 - (Rng.Column > 26))
>End Function

Hank Scorpio
scorpionet who hates spam is at iprimus.com.au (You know what to do.)
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