Hours worked divided by hours available, formatted as a percentage.
A1 = 37.5
B1 = 30
C1 = A1-B1
D1 = =B1/A1 (81%)
"RompStar" wrote
> Ok, doing a little project here at work, ok in one of the departments
> here we have 37.5 hours available for each employee per week...
> that's after two 15 minute breaks, which is 30 minutes a day, and 2.5
> hours a week, so 37.5 available and not 40...
> I have this spreadsheet that tracks what people do and the time it took
> them to do it..
> If day Joe Smith, for the week had a total of 30 hours, but he's
> supposed to have 37.5, that means that 7.5 hours are missing somewhere,
> that I know how to calculate, but in a percentage, how would that be
> done.
> 100% is 37.5
> if they worked only 30, how would that be calculated using a formula ?
> if in column:
> A: available 37.5
> b: acctual 30
> c: 7.5 hour deficient
> d: would show if %
> so if someone used 37.5, they would be 100% productive..
> Thanks.