Assume this data is in J2:J5
> 82.00
> 441.00
> 210.00
> 109.00
Put in K2: =IF(J2="","",J2)
Put in K3: =IF(J3="","",SUM(J3,K2))
Copy K3 down
Assuming cells J6, J7, etc are currently empty,
you should get in cols J to K
> 82.00 82.00
> 441.00 523.00
> 210.00 733.00
> 109.00 842.00
(rest of col K will appear "blank")
xl 97
GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
"Nick" <> wrote in message
> Tried that but it doesn't work for the column. I got this:
> 82.00 82.00
> 441.00 523.00
> 210.00 733.00
> 109.00 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> 842.00
> I need all those 842.00 to show nothing because there is no entry in the
> previous column.
> Nick