If you need this just for printing, there'sno need to append all the
worksheets: just select all the tabs of the worksheets you want to print.
If for other reasons, you need to select the cell under last used cell in
column A1 in the first sheet and input = , select the cell A1(pay attention
to eliminate absolute reference, i.e. "$" signs) in your next sheet and
press ENTER; then you have to copy this formula to recover all the content
of the second sheet and then repeat for all the sheets you need. In this way
you make the job once, because each change in the sheets refleact in the
first one.
Hoping to be helpful
"Norman Kong via OfficeKB.com" <forum@nospam.OfficeKB.com> ha scritto nel
messaggio news:cb896b1afee540e99c067d643da54854@OfficeKB.com...
> Hi
> I have many work sheets in the work book and need to on a number of
> occasions create a single worksheet by appending one work sheet after the
> other. Is it possible to do this with a function, or command? instead of
> doing it manually by copying each of the worksheets to a single work
> sheet.
> thanking you in advance
> regards
> norman
> --
> Message posted via http://www.officekb.com