Hi. I'm trying to do a very complicated formula.
I have a list of ten numbers in a row and I have one cell which is telling
me the max of those ten numbers.
This new cell I want to be able to find the number that was returned from
the above cell and then create a formula from that point. I want the formula
to keep looking back (going down the excel spreadsheet) looking for the
lowest number in a row from that number, and divide the current number by
that number.


From say a1:a10 I have :
2, 6, 4, 8, 4, 9, 3, 2, 1, 4

Cell one returns - 9
Cell two would look what came before the 9 and find the lowest number in a
row and divide cell one's number by this lower number. So it would find 1 is
the lowest number in a row and divide 9/1, bringing you to the answer of 9.
Thanks for you help!
