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Sheet Background Color

  1. #1
    Bill Helbron

    Sheet Background Color

    I have a workbook with three sheets: data and two charts. I've been using the
    first chart for some years and decided to add a second slightly different chart.
    My problem is that on my first chart sheet, the chart is fine, but the
    background is solid grey, i.e., no gridlines visible. When I created the second
    chart, again the chart is fine but I can't seem to find out how to make the
    background grey like the first chart. Maybe I stumbled on to it by "blind luck",
    but all I see is the chart on a "bed" of empty grid lines. Help, please!


  2. #2

    Re: Sheet Background Color


    Move your mouse over the chart background (in between the gridlines) until
    the tip text says Plot Area, you can then right-click and select Format Plot
    Area. From this dialog box you can select the colour/fill pattern and the
    border options. To change the gridline options, move your mouse over a
    gridline (the tip text says Value Axis Gridline) and right-click and select
    Format Gridlines.
    Hope this helps.


    "Bill Helbron" <jw.helbron@verizon.net> wrote in message
    >I have a workbook with three sheets: data and two charts. I've been using
    > first chart for some years and decided to add a second slightly different
    > chart.
    > My problem is that on my first chart sheet, the chart is fine, but the
    > background is solid grey, i.e., no gridlines visible. When I created the
    > second
    > chart, again the chart is fine but I can't seem to find out how to make
    > the
    > background grey like the first chart. Maybe I stumbled on to it by "blind
    > luck",
    > but all I see is the chart on a "bed" of empty grid lines. Help, please!
    > Bill

  3. #3
    Bill Helbron

    Re: Sheet Background Color

    Thanks, Andy!

    On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:53:33 +0100, <Andy B> wrote:

    >Move your mouse over the chart background (in between the gridlines) until
    >the tip text says Plot Area, you can then right-click and select Format Plot
    >Area. From this dialog box you can select the colour/fill pattern and the
    >border options. To change the gridline options, move your mouse over a
    >gridline (the tip text says Value Axis Gridline) and right-click and select
    >Format Gridlines.
    >Hope this helps.

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