Cells have been colored using conditional formatting (Format). I have used a condition which will compare the value of the cell with another cell. for example..

Value in B2 is 5 and C2 is 4. I am doing conditional formatting in B2 ( =b2>c2)..if true colored in Red. Now I need to copy this cell (B2) & paste to another worksheet/workbook which should carry the value and color as well ( in this case value 5 and color red ). Is there way to do it by formula or need assistance of macro..
( Note: using paste special, copying values will lose formatting (red color) and if i copy & paste "formatting" also (using paste special )...then again color goes of because the "condition formatting" includes the condition also. The condition compares value in c2 in the current worksheet and hence expected result unavailable. If iam correct, there is no provision to refer another worksheet/workbook when using conditional formatting.