As I never got any response to my previous question "How to create a counter
that ignores hidden rows?", I'm assuming that either I stumped everyone or I
did a lousy job of posing the question. Let me try again...

I am trying to create a simple counter that does not index if the row that
it is on is hidden. I have tried using the SUBTOTAL function as follows...

I set Cells B4477=1 and B4478=2

The formula for Cell B4479 is then written as...


The formula for Cell B4480 is then ...

=SUBTOTAL(103,$B$4477:B4479)+1 and so on for the consequent cells down
the column.

It works for the 1st occurence (i.e. Cell B4479=3) but the rest of the cells
down the column are also equal to three, as if the subtotal function is not
recognizing the VALUE results of previous functions? I have tried both the
"COUNTA" version and the "COUNT" version with no success.

I also tried the following macro but for the life of me I can't figure out
why it doesn't work either...

Dim RowNum, ColNum
RowNum = 4477 ' Initialize variables.
ColNum = "B"
Do While RowNum < 4600
RowNum = RowNum + 1 ' Increment Counter.
If Rows("RowNum:RowNum").EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
Range("ColNum & RowNum") = Range("ColNum & RowNum") + 1
Range("ColNum & RowNum") = 0
End If
End Sub
