Sorry Andman, I used the wrong starting range in my formulas. Row 3 should
be the helper row, and start placing the formulas in A3 and B3 as such:

A3: =IF(A2>A1,A1,A2)

B3: =IF(A3<>A2,0,IF(SUM($A$2:B2)<=$A$1,B2,$A$1-SUM($A$2:A2)))
and copy this through P3



"swatsp0p" wrote:

> Hi, Andman. I'm not sure if JulieD is around, so I'll jump in. Without VBA,
> you can't have a formula change the contents of another cell. You can,
> however, use a helper row to accomplish your task. In C2, place this
> formula:
> =IF(C1>A1,A1,C1)
> then in D2 place:
> =IF(C2<>C1,0,IF(SUM($C$1:D1)<=$A$1,D1,$A$1-SUM($C$1:C1)))
> copy this formula through P2