Kludgy, but try this in A3 and fill across:


Atlanta, GA

>-----Original Message-----
>I have a twist on a problem that was answered earlier by

the very intelligent
>I want to add columns A2 through P2 until it equals the

total in cell A1
>Once the total would be met it would zero out the

remainder of the cells.
>For Example:
>Cell A1 = 30
>Cell A2 = 14
>Cell B2 = 15
>Cell C2 = 16
>Cell D2 = 17 etc. (All the way to P2 which equals 29)
>In the end I need:
>Cell A3 to equal 14
>Cell B3 to equal 15, But we still need to add as we have

not reached
>Cell C3 to equal 1, Because we only need 1 more to total

to 30
>Cells D3 to P3 to equal 0 as we have equaled or matched

Cell A1 which is 30
>I hope you can help again!