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My If statement results in False when actually true

  1. #1
    papa jonah

    My If statement results in False when actually true

    Below is a portion of some code I have.
    It works fine up to the point that I have noted. When I step through
    it works fine. Just before the step that I flagged below, I can use
    intermediate window to determine the value of u, cells(u+1,"aa"), and
    ?cells(u+1, "aa").value
    The value in cell AA2 is 1.

    Columns("aa:ad").NumberFormat = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each cell In causecats
    cats.Add cell.Value, Key:=cell.Text
    On Error GoTo 0
    r = 0
    For Each item In cats

    Debug.Print item
    r = r + 1
    Cells(r + 1, "aa") = item

    Cells(r + 1, "ab").Formula = "=sumproduct((" & causecats.Address &
    "=""" & _
    Cells(r + 1, "aa") & """)*(" & causebase.Address & "))"

    On Error Resume Next
    For Each cell In causecats
    revcats.Add cell.Value, Key:=cell.Text
    On Error GoTo 0
    r = 0
    j = 0
    For Each item In revcats

    Debug.Print item
    r = r + 1
    gFound = False
    u = 0
    For u = 1 To (causecats.Count + revcats.Count) * 2

    'the result of the following line is false. I do not know why.

    If item = Cells(u + 1, "aa") Then
    Cells(u + 1, "ad").Formula = "=sumproduct((" & causecats.Address &
    & _
    Cells(u + 1, "aa") & """)*(" & causerev.Address & "))"
    gFound = True
    Exit For
    End If

    Do I have some syntax problem? formatting problem? If item=1, cell AA2
    and u=1, I do not understand why result of If item = Cells(u + 1,
    "aa") is

    TIA for any ideas.

    Expand AllCollapse All

  2. #2
    Don Guillett

    Re: My If statement results in False when actually true

    Maybe a rounding error.

    Don Guillett
    SalesAid Software
    "papa jonah" <adullam04-excelgoogle@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > Below is a portion of some code I have.
    > It works fine up to the point that I have noted. When I step through
    > this,
    > it works fine. Just before the step that I flagged below, I can use
    > the
    > intermediate window to determine the value of u, cells(u+1,"aa"), and
    > item:
    > ?item
    > 1
    > ?cells(u+1, "aa").value
    > 1
    > ?u
    > 1
    > The value in cell AA2 is 1.
    > Columns("aa:ad").NumberFormat = 0
    > On Error Resume Next
    > For Each cell In causecats
    > cats.Add cell.Value, Key:=cell.Text
    > Next
    > On Error GoTo 0
    > r = 0
    > For Each item In cats
    > Debug.Print item
    > r = r + 1
    > Cells(r + 1, "aa") = item
    > Cells(r + 1, "ab").Formula = "=sumproduct((" & causecats.Address &
    > "=""" & _
    > Cells(r + 1, "aa") & """)*(" & causebase.Address & "))"
    > Next
    > On Error Resume Next
    > For Each cell In causecats
    > revcats.Add cell.Value, Key:=cell.Text
    > Next
    > On Error GoTo 0
    > r = 0
    > j = 0
    > For Each item In revcats
    > Debug.Print item
    > r = r + 1
    > gFound = False
    > u = 0
    > For u = 1 To (causecats.Count + revcats.Count) * 2
    > 'the result of the following line is false. I do not know why.
    > If item = Cells(u + 1, "aa") Then
    > Cells(u + 1, "ad").Formula = "=sumproduct((" & causecats.Address &
    > "="""
    > & _
    > Cells(u + 1, "aa") & """)*(" & causerev.Address & "))"
    > gFound = True
    > Exit For
    > End If
    > Next
    > Do I have some syntax problem? formatting problem? If item=1, cell AA2
    > =1,
    > and u=1, I do not understand why result of If item = Cells(u + 1,
    > "aa") is
    > false.
    > TIA for any ideas.
    > Expand AllCollapse All

  3. #3
    papa jonah

    Re: My If statement results in False when actually true

    The 1's are not results of calculations.

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor mudraker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Melbourne, Australia
    I have seen similar problem when one item is treated as text and the other is treated as numeric

  5. #5
    Harlan Grove

    Re: My If statement results in False when actually true

    "papa jonah" <adullam04-excelgoogle@yahoo.com> wrote...
    >Below is a portion of some code I have.

    >?cells(u+1, "aa").value
    > 1
    >The value in cell AA2 is 1.

    Well, it may look like 1, but it might not be 1. Better to check

    ? Format(item - Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value, "0.000E+000")

    This will show up *any* differences. If these differ by any amount, they
    won't be equal. Also, unless they're the same data type, VBA can sometimes
    become confused. So better to use

    If Abs(CDbl(item) - Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value2) < 1E-12 Then

    instead of

    If item = Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value Then

    >Columns("aa:ad").NumberFormat = 0


    Format doesn't affect value. This is almost certainly the source of your

  6. #6

    Re: My If statement results in False when actually true

    I think it is because you are comparing "Item" which is variable with
    Cells(u+1,"aa") which returns a range object. Therefore, try...

    If item = Cells(u + 1, "aa").Value Then ....

    Does this work?


  7. #7
    papa jonah

    Re: My If statement results in False when actually true

    I used your suggestion, ? Format(item - Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value,
    to check my values.
    My result was:

    They appear to be the same. I also removed the line,
    "Columns("aa:ad").NumberFormat = 0" and tried again. I got the same

    I used, "If Abs(CDbl(item) - Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value2) < 1E-12 Then"

    Although I do not understand what "Abs(CDbl(item)" means. Would by be
    so kind as to explain what that does for me? I like to understand what
    I am doing for next time.

    Thank you very much.

  8. #8
    Jerry W. Lewis

    Re: My If statement results in False when actually true

    CDbl() converts to a double precision value. Possibly item was declared
    As Single?

    Sub TryIt()
    Dim x As Double, y As Single
    x = 0.1
    y = x
    MsgBox x - y
    End Sub

    Abs() removes the sign of the difference. The difference 1-100 is
    < 1E-12, but that doesen't mean that 1 and 100 are essentially equal.


    papa jonah wrote:

    > I used your suggestion, ? Format(item - Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value,
    > "0.000E+000")
    > to check my values.
    > My result was:
    > 0.000E+000
    > They appear to be the same. I also removed the line,
    > "Columns("aa:ad").NumberFormat = 0" and tried again. I got the same
    > result.
    > I used, "If Abs(CDbl(item) - Cells(u + 1, "AA").Value2) < 1E-12 Then"
    > Although I do not understand what "Abs(CDbl(item)" means. Would by be
    > so kind as to explain what that does for me? I like to understand what
    > I am doing for next time.
    > Thank you very much.

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