I have been pretty good with figuring out how to make things in excel work (out of necessity) but I can't get this. I would appreciate (really appreciate) some help.

I have a worksheet with a master list a names (with other fields) that I need to categorize and compile on new sublists on subsequent worksheets. Some names will be in more than one catagory. I have made columns on this master name list worksheet for each category and put Xs in the rows by the names I want in each category (this has been the easiest way that I know to reference a criteria). On the next worksheet, I made the following formula in cell A1 (column G is the column with the Xs for this particular category criteria):

IF('MasterNameList'!G1="X", 'MasterNameList'!A1,"")

So it successfully lists the first name. I copied it across to include other fields along with the name (X in G1 remains the criteria). I copied that row of formulas down to include enough rows to cover my Master Name List.

Great, now I have a worksheet with only the names (with fields) that meet the category. It leaves blank (with the empty quotations in the false condition) the rows that do not meet the criteria (do not have an X in column G). This leads me to my first problem. If you visualize this list, it has many holes of blank rows, in some case 50 in a row. This is not very pretty or useful and of course will print the same way. Is there a way to eliminate the blank rows. Keep in mind that I need modify the Master List periodically and have the category worksheets respond to the changes. The bigger question to this and why I have painstakingly explained my process is...Is there a better way to do this whole thing.