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Hide and unhide

  1. #1

    Hide and unhide


    When unhiding a couple of row, the combo boxes didn't appear. The cells were
    they suppose to be, showed dots on the cell lines. How do I get my combo
    boxes back ?

    Thanks in front.

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Hide and unhide

    My bet is the comboboxes got resized when you hid the rows.

    If you unhide the rows, maybe you can select the combobox by:

    Showing the Drawing toolbar
    click on the arrow icon
    Use that to lasso the combobox (maybe make that lasso a little larger area than
    you would usually expect.)

    If you select the combobox, you'll see the drag handles. Resize that way.

    You could also select all the shapes:
    Then you should be able to tab between objects--watch the screen closely.

    Marcel wrote:
    > Hello,
    > When unhiding a couple of row, the combo boxes didn't appear. The cells were
    > they suppose to be, showed dots on the cell lines. How do I get my combo
    > boxes back ?
    > Thanks in front.
    > Marcel


    Dave Peterson

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