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Reverse MATCH Function

  1. #1

    Reverse MATCH Function

    I have an array with 500+ elements. Assume elements 100, 200, 300, and 400
    are equal to 'Sue'. For each occurrence of Sue, I want to find the row
    number for the next occurrence and for the previous occurrence. At 100, I
    get 200 and 'none'. At 200, I get 300 and 100. But when I get to 300, I get
    400 and 100, altho I want 400 and 200. When I am at 300, is there some way
    to have the search start at 299 and search backwards so that the first match
    it comes to is at 200?

    Bill @ UAMS

  2. #2
    Myrna Larson

    Re: Reverse MATCH Function

    Assuming the names in column A, in a column on the right, say K, put this


    and copy it down. With the example you give, the formula should return 3 at
    row 300. Then you can use


    to get the row above and


    to get the row below.

    Of course, if "Sue" is just an example, and you really want to search for
    other names as well, this isn't going to work.

    On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 14:29:06 -0800, "BillCPA" <Bill @ UAMS> wrote:

    >I have an array with 500+ elements. Assume elements 100, 200, 300, and 400
    >are equal to 'Sue'. For each occurrence of Sue, I want to find the row
    >number for the next occurrence and for the previous occurrence. At 100, I
    >get 200 and 'none'. At 200, I get 300 and 100. But when I get to 300, I get
    >400 and 100, altho I want 400 and 200. When I am at 300, is there some way
    >to have the search start at 299 and search backwards so that the first match
    >it comes to is at 200?

  3. #3

    Reverse MATCH Function


    Not pretty but it works!

    I assume there are no blanks in the array and you want
    this for each element. My tests were based on a range of
    A1:A15. Adjust to suit. In B1 I array entered this formula
    with the key combo of CTRL,SHIFT,Enter:


    Copy down as needed. This returns the actual row numbers
    and not the position in the array.


    >-----Original Message-----
    >I have an array with 500+ elements. Assume elements 100,

    200, 300, and 400
    >are equal to 'Sue'. For each occurrence of Sue, I want

    to find the row
    >number for the next occurrence and for the previous

    occurrence. At 100, I
    >get 200 and 'none'. At 200, I get 300 and 100. But when

    I get to 300, I get
    >400 and 100, altho I want 400 and 200. When I am at 300,

    is there some way
    >to have the search start at 299 and search backwards so

    that the first match
    >it comes to is at 200?
    >Bill @ UAMS

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