Hi All,
Not sure if anyone can help. Most of the time I can work out problems on my own or work around it someway but this time I am stumped. I can't not see an easy solution to my problem.
I have been given an extract from a payroll file which shows a persons name, date, time, Clocked on, Clocked off. The problem is the data is shown as a list of transactions. A sample of this is given below.
Name Date Time In/Out
Brad, Tom 8/09/2004 15:19:47 OUT
Brad, Tom 8/09/2004 15:22:33 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 13:36:02 OUT
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 13:36:49 OUT
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 15:57:19 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 15:57:24 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 16:03:04 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 16:03:14 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 16:03:19 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 16:03:25 IN
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 16:03:54 IN
Brad, Tom 8/12/2004 12:35:44 IN
Brad, Tom 8/12/2004 12:43:05 OUT
Brad, Tom 8/12/2004 12:46:41 IN
I need the report to look in such a way that all In/Out are shown horizontally, whilst name and dates can be shown vertically. Here's the catch. I need the sequence of times being either In/Out to be shown in order for that particular day.
As an example from the sample:
Out Out In In
Brad, Tom 8/11/2004 13:36:02 13:36:49 15:57:19 15:57:24
I do not want any of the times summed or counted. I need their times shown. The problem with the Pivot Table is that if you try and sort the first row it will throw out all the values in the second row etc. The other challenge is that an individual may clock in but not clock out. The only way I can see this being solved is by somehow ranking each day for the "IN" and then ranking each day for the "OUT". After doing this you can create a pivot table. I'm just not sure how.
Any ideas if your not confused already.