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Generating excel combinations

  1. #1

    Generating excel combinations

    I have a list of range of data like
    A 20
    B 3
    C 4
    D 26
    E 10
    F 3
    G 7

    I would like to be able to generate a table with all the combinations of 4
    selections which total 40 or less. Any sugestions as to how I could do this
    in excel.

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Generating excel combinations

    To quote Myrna Larson earlier today

    Go to Google newsgroup search and search for

    combination equal number

    in groups microsoft.public.excel.*

    You'll find lots of hits on how to do this with Solver.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "mark4006" <mark4006@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I have a list of range of data like
    > A 20
    > B 3
    > C 4
    > D 26
    > E 10
    > F 3
    > G 7
    > I would like to be able to generate a table with all the combinations of 4
    > selections which total 40 or less. Any sugestions as to how I could do

    > in excel.

  3. #3
    Bernd Plumhoff

    Re: Generating excel combinations

    Excel's solver would give you only one solution, I think.

    In Don Knuth's Pre-Fascicle 3A you will find a solution
    (exhaustive but not ideal, as he mentions) which I put
    into VBA (see below).

    Copy the code into the VBA editor, run it and press CTRL G
    to see the results.


    --------- Snipp here for code -------------

    Option Explicit

    'Knuth fasc3a.pdf, page 11 of 65, Filling a rucksack

    Sub Fill_Rucksack()

    Const n As Long = 7
    Dim w(0 To n) As Long
    Dim delta(1 To n) As Long 'delta(j) = w(j) - w(j-1) for 1
    <= j < n
    Dim t As Long
    Const NCap As Long = 40
    Dim c(0 To n) As Long
    Dim r As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim length As Long

    w(0) = 0
    w(1) = 3
    w(2) = 3
    w(3) = 4
    w(4) = 7
    w(5) = 10
    w(6) = 20
    w(7) = 26

    F1: 'Initialize

    t = 0
    c(0) = n
    r = NCap

    F2: 'Visit

    'Visit the combination c(0)...c(t), which uses NCap -
    r units of capacity
    length = 0
    For i = 0 To t
    length = length + w(c(i))
    Next i
    If length <= NCap And w(c(t)) <> 0 Then
    Debug.Print "Solution: ";
    For i = 0 To t: Debug.Print "["; c(i); "]"; w(c
    (i));: Next i
    End If

    F3: 'Try to add w(0)

    If c(t) > 0 And r >= w(0) Then
    t = t + 1
    c(t) = 0
    r = r - w(0)
    GoTo F2
    End If

    F4: 'Try to increase c(t)

    If t = 0 Then
    GoTo Terminate
    End If
    If c(t - 1) > c(t) + 1 And r >= delta(c(t) + 1) Then
    c(t) = c(t) + 1
    r = r - delta(c(t))
    GoTo F2
    End If

    F5: 'Remove c(t)

    r = r + w(c(t))
    t = t - 1
    GoTo F4


    End Sub

    ---------- Snipp here for solutions ----------

    Solution: [ 7 ] 26
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 2 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 2 ] 3 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 3 ] 4
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 3 ] 4 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 3 ] 4 [ 2 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 3 ] 4 [ 2 ] 3 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7 [ 2 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7 [ 2 ] 3 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7 [ 3 ] 4
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7 [ 3 ] 4 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 4 ] 7 [ 3 ] 4 [ 2 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 5 ] 10
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 5 ] 10 [ 1 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 5 ] 10 [ 2 ] 3
    Solution: [ 7 ] 26 [ 5 ] 10 [ 3 ] 4

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