The site has mail options but no info on calender.

However i did find this on the Help menu on Excel.

Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
myItem.MeetingStatus = olMeeting
myItem.Subject = "Strategy Meeting"
myItem.Location = "Conference Room B"
myItem.Start = #9/24/97 1:30:00 PM#
myItem.Duration = 90
Set myRequiredAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Nate _
myRequiredAttendee.Type = olRequired
Set myOptionalAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Kevin _
myOptionalAttendee.Type = olOptional
Set myResourceAttendee = _
myItem.Recipients.Add("Conference Room B")
myResourceAttendee.Type = olResource

However i am getting run time error when i try to use it.

Also I do not know how to set the following to pull infomation from cells in
the work sheet.

myItem.Subject = "Strategy Meeting"
myItem.Location = "Conference Room B"
myItem.Start = #9/24/97 1:30:00 PM#

And i needed to set the following but i do not know if it will work.

apti.ReminderSet = True
apti.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 60

"Don Guillett" wrote:

> Go here
> --
> Don Guillett
> SalesAid Software
> "DM HD" <> wrote in message
> > I want to try and setup a Macro to send meeting requests to my teams
> > calendar. What we do is use it to book are equipment setups.
> >
> > Right now we copy and past the requests in to meeting request to an

> outlook
> > calendar and send them to ourselfs. This way we see who is working on

> what.
> >
> > What i want to do is put basic information in to an excel form.
> >
> > The form is going to have the following.
> >
> > Who the request is for.
> > Who is assigned to the request.
> > The date and time needed.
> > The date and time returnd.
> > Type of equipment request.
> > Ticket number from our call logging system.
> > Where the equipment is needed.
> >
> > The macro would need to send a meeting request with the above information

> in
> > the Subject line.
> >
> > It would be in this formate. "Equipment Laptop 1 for John smith (Assigned

> to
> > Mark) Call number 173829" The date and time needed would set the time

> needed.
> > So if John smith needed laptop 1 at 9am we would sent the meeting request

> for
> > the time 9am to 9:30am. We would also set the reminder to be 30min.
> >
> > Also we set a second meeting request to as and all day event for the

> return
> > date. Just so that we all now that we have to get the laptop back on this
> > day.
> >
> > If you have any suggestions on how i can set this up would be great.
