Ok, I am sure there is an easy solution - I just don't know enough about Excel to know what it is.
Here is a sample of the sheet I am working with. All columns except D are data entry.
Column D contains the formula -![]()
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{=IF(SUM(E1:I1)=0,"No Apps",SUM(E1:I1)/(C1*(COUNTIF(E1:I1,">=0"))))}
I need to change this so that it treats NS as a 0 (while ignoring the other text) without getting the pesky "divide by zero" error. Here is what D should give me -
Andrew - 0.0% (0+0+0/30)
Bob - 16.6% (5+0+0/30)
Chuck - 12.5% (5+0+0+0/40)
Ed - 16.6% (0+2+0+0/12)
Also I need to find the number of rows that have one or more NS.
The current formula - {=SUM(($B$1:$B$8="CE")*($E$1:$I$8="NS"))} would give me 8 in the above sample. It should give me 3 (Andrew, Bob, Chuck are CE & have 1+ NS)