I don't understand what you're saying. The Linked Cell property is where
you put a cell address, and won't change unless you change it. If it's set
to A1, then A1 will have TRUE or FALSE depending on that button state.
Another cell, let's say B1 for this situation, would have the = -- A1, and
would reflect 0 or 1 depending on the TRUE or FALSE in A1.
Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net
"KG" <> wrote in message
> when I try double-negation, the linked cell property turns blank
> "Earl Kiosterud" wrote:
>> KG,
>> The option button puts TRUE or FALSE into its Linked Cell. You can get 1
>> or
>> 0 out of that by referring to it with double negation operators.
>> = --A1
>> --
>> Earl Kiosterud
>> mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net
>> -------------------------------------------
>> "KG" <> wrote in message
>> > Can someone point me to an example showing how this property can be
>> > used,
>> > linking, as an example, an option button to a specific cell? Say if I
>> > wanted
>> > "1" to appear in cell B2 of the worksheet if the option button is
>> > clicked