when I try double-negation, the linked cell property turns blank
"Earl Kiosterud" wrote:
> KG,
> The option button puts TRUE or FALSE into its Linked Cell. You can get 1 or
> 0 out of that by referring to it with double negation operators.
> = --A1
> --
> Earl Kiosterud
> mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net
> -------------------------------------------
> "KG" <KG@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:924E6B40-6040-4016-B75B-D65215754A1D@microsoft.com...
> > Can someone point me to an example showing how this property can be used,
> > linking, as an example, an option button to a specific cell? Say if I
> > wanted
> > "1" to appear in cell B2 of the worksheet if the option button is clicked