I am sure there is an easier way of doing this than the way I am but without skills.... What I am doing is checking dates to see if they are more than 7, 30 days or less than 7 days away. Depending on the number of days out the cell will change its background color and/or font color. I know little of Excel so don’t laugh at my code ok?
As my title says, it’s over 64K which threw an error from excel saying "procedure to large". Reading the help file it said a procedure can not be more than 64K when compiled. Anyway, this is what I have except multiplied 50 times to cover 50 cells. If anyone knows an easier way I would love to hear about it 
Before this got too large it was working. I also had this copied into the Thisworkbook using the Private Sub Workbook_Open() so it would make the changes as soon as I opened the workbook.
I know its sloppy but here is what I have...