Hey Alex-
The Quotation Marks are used in data transfer as what are called Qualifiers.
They are used by the receiving program to distinguish between fields
containing TEXT as opposed to VALUES. If that program is a data management
program, the Quotes do not show up as field content, they just help that
program identify what type of data it is. In this case the Quotes should be
If the program that will use the data is not a data management application
or cannot accept the file as-is, it might be best to Save As again using a
File Type that is compatible with the other program. Just stripping out the
quotes could cause other problems on the receiving end.
Hope this is useful |:>)
"AlexK" wrote:
> I saved an Excle file containing text into a tab delimeted text file and all
> the data is now in quotes. The file will be used as a input file to another
> progarm and the quotes will not be accepted. How can the quotes be left off?