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Excel formula randomly changes to hard-code number

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Guest Excel formula randomly... 02-09-2005, 04:06 PM
Guest Re: Excel formula randomly... 02-09-2005, 09:06 PM
Guest Re: Excel formula randomly... 02-14-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: Excel formula randomly... 02-14-2005, 08:06 PM
  1. #1
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Excel formula randomly changes to hard-code number

    Maybe there are macros that are doing this conversion.

    I'd open that workbook with macros disabled (change your security to medium) and
    answer No to the enable macro prompt.

    If none of your formulas are overwritten, then it's time to find out why those
    macros exist and if they've overstayed their welcome. (and how they should
    change or if they should be deleted).

    Ned wrote:
    > I am having an issue with an Excel model that was orginally written by some
    > of my predecessors at work. I do not know the complete history of the file,
    > but it would be extremely time consuming to recreate.
    > When I change certain values in the model some formulas randomly disappear
    > and are replaced by hard-code numbers.
    > The numbers are the right result of the formula, but the formulas are
    > overwritten with the result. If I retype the formulas they will sometimes be
    > fine and other will go back to a hrad-code number.
    > thanks for any assistence.
    > Ned


    Dave Peterson

  2. #2

    Re: Excel formula randomly changes to hard-code number


    Thanks for the advice. I tried disabling the macros and also deleting them
    from the file, but I am still having the same problems. I am not sure what
    else could be causing this strange problem.


    "Dave Peterson" wrote:

    > Maybe there are macros that are doing this conversion.
    > I'd open that workbook with macros disabled (change your security to medium) and
    > answer No to the enable macro prompt.
    > If none of your formulas are overwritten, then it's time to find out why those
    > macros exist and if they've overstayed their welcome. (and how they should
    > change or if they should be deleted).
    > Ned wrote:
    > >
    > > I am having an issue with an Excel model that was orginally written by some
    > > of my predecessors at work. I do not know the complete history of the file,
    > > but it would be extremely time consuming to recreate.
    > >
    > > When I change certain values in the model some formulas randomly disappear
    > > and are replaced by hard-code numbers.
    > >
    > > The numbers are the right result of the formula, but the formulas are
    > > overwritten with the result. If I retype the formulas they will sometimes be
    > > fine and other will go back to a hrad-code number.
    > >
    > > thanks for any assistence.
    > >
    > > Ned

    > --
    > Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Excel formula randomly changes to hard-code number

    One way to make sure all macros are disabled is to open excel in Safe mode:

    Windows start button|Run
    Excel /safe

    Then file|open your workbook and see what happens.

    I don't have any better guesses right now.

    What do your formulas look like--just in case there's something special about

    Ned wrote:
    > Dave,
    > Thanks for the advice. I tried disabling the macros and also deleting them
    > from the file, but I am still having the same problems. I am not sure what
    > else could be causing this strange problem.
    > best,
    > Ned
    > "Dave Peterson" wrote:
    > > Maybe there are macros that are doing this conversion.
    > >
    > > I'd open that workbook with macros disabled (change your security to medium) and
    > > answer No to the enable macro prompt.
    > >
    > > If none of your formulas are overwritten, then it's time to find out why those
    > > macros exist and if they've overstayed their welcome. (and how they should
    > > change or if they should be deleted).
    > >
    > > Ned wrote:
    > > >
    > > > I am having an issue with an Excel model that was orginally written by some
    > > > of my predecessors at work. I do not know the complete history of the file,
    > > > but it would be extremely time consuming to recreate.
    > > >
    > > > When I change certain values in the model some formulas randomly disappear
    > > > and are replaced by hard-code numbers.
    > > >
    > > > The numbers are the right result of the formula, but the formulas are
    > > > overwritten with the result. If I retype the formulas they will sometimes be
    > > > fine and other will go back to a hrad-code number.
    > > >
    > > > thanks for any assistence.
    > > >
    > > > Ned

    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > > Dave Peterson
    > >


    Dave Peterson

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