Hello All,
I have a pivot table for which I created a caluclated item
to devide Rev by Qty (which are both possible entries in
the field Category). Because Excel is now performing this
calculation even on combinations that don't exist it is
showing each line rather than just those for which data
exists. So where I had
Division Product Rev Qty
North Product A 3000 10
Product C 5000 100
South Product A 5000 15
Product B 4000 25
I now have
Division Product Rev
North Product A 300
Product B #DIV/0!
Product C 50
South Product A 333
Product B 160
Prodcut C #DIV/0!
I know how to change the #DIV/0! symbols to blanks or
zeros, but is there a way to get the rows to disappear
completely? Is it possible to perhaps filter for items >
0? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.