I don't know exactly what the problem is but there should not be one. Do
this. Say your list is in A1:A10. Select A1:A10. Find the Name box. It
is immediately above the "A" of Column A and displays the cell address of
the active cell. Click in the Name box. Type in "Region" (your range name)
without the quotes. Hit enter. That range is now named Region.
Now if you have to change the range, just do so. Then select the new
range and repeat what you did before. Use the same name. HTH Otto
"StargateFan" <IDon'tAcceptSpam@IDon'tAcceptSpam.com> wrote in message
>I 've run into this a few times now, so thought there must be a better
> way.
> In XL2K, when I create a data validation list and then name the region
> (I think it's called region), then when I go back to continue working
> on the spreadsheet, I often realize I've missed a value or two and try
> to add.
> This never works with the same name, so I have to rename the list and
> go back to the data validation information and put the new name of the
> values and edit the cells one by one. I know there must be a better
> way, but I haven't figured one out.
> Thanks.