
I have a set of data that has monthly (or sometimes biweekly) measurements.
However, I need to interpolate the daily values using the actual consecutive
data. However, I do not want to put a best-fit line or curve through the data
for the whole year. I want the program to pick between two consecutive
values, and depending on their relationship (linear increase or decrease),
fill in the gaps between them and spit out the corresponding values. For
example, I have the following set,

Date Value
Jan. 10 0
Jan. 15 5

what I need is this:

Date Value
Jan. 10 0
Jan. 11 1
Jan. 12 2
Jan. 13 3
Jan. 14 4
Jan. 15 5

However, the next day could be Feb. 2 and the values could be negative and I
want the program start filling the days between Jan. 15 to Feb. 2 without
using the Jan. 10 value. I hope I am making myself clear. I dont know if
there is a program, macro or a function that can do that. I would appreciate
if you could help me.

Thanks in advance,
