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  1. #1


    Hi all
    I have a problem.
    I want to write a program using VB in Excel.
    I put a txtbox and a cmdbutton in my worksheet. When I click on cmdButton, I
    want my program to do this:
    See if the word in the text box, exists in column "A" or not. If it exists
    in column A, then its related number in column B must get 1 grade higher
    than before, but if the word doesn't exist in column "A", add the word to
    the end of the column.
    For example if these are my columns:
    A B C
    1 Name No
    2 apple 10
    4 banana 2
    5 Lemon 15

    Now if the word in txtbox is "Apple" , then the worksheet must be like this:
    A B C
    1 Name No
    2 apple 11
    4 banana 2
    5 Lemon 15

    But if the word is "Cherry", the worksheet must be changed into this:

    A B C
    1 Name No
    2 apple 10
    4 banana 2
    5 Lemon 15
    6 Cherry 1

    Hope its clear. How can I do this? I don't know how to search for a word in
    a column or how to find the position of end of a column.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Programming

    You can find that next open cell in column A with something like:

    dim NextCell as range
    with worksheets("sheet1")
    set nextcell = .cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup).offset(1,0)
    end with

    It's kind of like going to A65536, hitting the End key, then up arrow. Then
    hitting the Down arrow to get to the open cell.

    You can check to see if the value is in the range (A2:A(lastrow)) in a few ways.

    One of them:

    dim res as variant
    dim myRng as range
    dim myStr as string
    dim NextCell as range
    dim myValue as variant

    'not sure where that textbox is.
    mystr = textbox1.value

    with worksheets("sheet1")
    set myRng = .range("a2",.cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup))
    set nextcell = .cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup).offset(1,0)
    end with

    if mystr = "" then
    'do nothing
    res = application.match(mystr,myrng,0)
    if iserror(res) then
    'not found
    nextcell.value = mystr
    nextcell.offset(0,1).value = 1
    'was found
    myvalue = myrng(res).offset(0,1).value
    if isnumeric(myvalue) then
    myrng(res).offset(0,1).value = myvalue + 1
    msgbox "Non-numeric value!
    end if
    end if
    end if

    I'm not sure where/what the textbox was--on a userform on a worksheet (and from
    the Drawing toolbar or from the Control toolbox toolbar).

    Just another option to look for existing values:

    if application.countif(myrng,mystr)>0 then
    'found one
    'didn't find one
    end if

    Javad wrote:
    > Hi all
    > I have a problem.
    > I want to write a program using VB in Excel.
    > I put a txtbox and a cmdbutton in my worksheet. When I click on cmdButton, I
    > want my program to do this:
    > See if the word in the text box, exists in column "A" or not. If it exists
    > in column A, then its related number in column B must get 1 grade higher
    > than before, but if the word doesn't exist in column "A", add the word to
    > the end of the column.
    > For example if these are my columns:
    > A B C
    > 1 Name No
    > 2 apple 10
    > 4 banana 2
    > 5 Lemon 15
    > 6
    > Now if the word in txtbox is "Apple" , then the worksheet must be like this:
    > A B C
    > 1 Name No
    > 2 apple 11
    > 4 banana 2
    > 5 Lemon 15
    > 6
    > But if the word is "Cherry", the worksheet must be changed into this:
    > A B C
    > 1 Name No
    > 2 apple 10
    > 4 banana 2
    > 5 Lemon 15
    > 6 Cherry 1
    > Hope its clear. How can I do this? I don't know how to search for a word in
    > a column or how to find the position of end of a column.
    > Any help is appreciated.
    > Thank you
    > Javad


    Dave Peterson

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