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Template that has to be opened every time.

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Template that has to be opened every time.

    I want to create a template that before opening, it asks you for 2 or 3 pieces of unique information (in the form of a something like a popup message box) that will be put in specific cells and protected. Therefore, in order to start a new file the next time - you have to use a brand new template and fill in the unique information again. This is to stop people from overwriting the last template (now saved as a workbook) by using "save as".

    I know this should be possible using a macro in the template but I am having problems finding the information I need on the internet.

    My questions:

    Is this an easy procedure? Or am I going to be wasting 3 days doing it?

    Can anyone direct me to information on how to get started?
    Or give me an example of a macro starting prior to opening a template.


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    AutoOpen macro for template


    Copy this code to your template (replace references in BOLD w/your own):

    Sub Auto_Open()
    ' Declare variables...
    Dim Message, Title, Default, myVal, Data1, Data2, Data3
       ' Prompt user for 3 pieces of info... 
       For myInfo = 1 To 3
    ' This is a repeat point if user doesn't enter data when prompted...
            ' Define Input dialog parameters...
            Message = "Enter data " & myInfo & " value: "
            Title = "Data " & myInfo & " Value"
            Default = ""
            ' Prompt user to enter data...
            myVal = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
            ' Begin again if user cancels Input dialog or doesn't enter any data...
            If myVal = "" Then GoTo StartOver
            ' Otherwise, assign user data to variables...
            If myInfo = 1 Then
                Data1 = myVal
            ElseIf myInfo = 2 Then
                Data2 = myVal
                Data3 = myVal
            End If
        Next myInfo
        ' Populate worksheet with user input...
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Unprotect Password:="your_Password"
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = Data1
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Value = Data2
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A3").Value = Data3
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Protect Password:="your_Password"
    End Sub
    Hope this helps,

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