This works for data in one column, i have 3 columns of data that needs to be
organized, for example:
1 2 3
1 4 7
5 8 9
1 2 3
1 2 3
5 8 9

organize to give
1 2 3
1 4 7
5 8 9

Thanks, i'm in a bind, i have about 8000 rows of numbers i need to sort
"David Jessop" wrote:

> Hi,
> Sort the data into the number order. Let's say that is in column A. Then
> in the first free column, make the first cell 0, and then do in row 2
> =IF (A1=A2,1,0)
> This will then equal zero on the first line of a new number.
> Then Copy, Paste Special, Values on this column of ones and zeros, and then
> sort on it. The data at the top will be a unique list of numbers. You can
> just then delete all the 1s.
> HTH,
> David Jessop
> "bsears" wrote:
> > I have a large list of data that i need to go through for my job. what i
> > want to do is organize the numbers into bins, then elimintate any numbers
> > that are identical. does anyone have any ideas?
> >