I am looking for advice on how to write this formula, unfortunately I only have access to excel at work so it makes it difficult to pound these sort of things out on my off time. Anyway.
What I need to accomplish is to take the sum of let's say I6 which happens to be the total number of hours per week, and if it is over a certain number minus that number and have the answer in C6. And I do know that the formula will have to be placed in C6.
I have done some "homework" on this but I dont know if this formula would work or if there is a better way to do it. I am not even sure if you can take just the value and include that as a working part of the formula such as : =SUMIF(I6>"20"), C6=I6-"20)
I would input example here but the spacing is all off so it makes it that much more confusing. Sorry.
So (I) is 2.75 hours over the max so what I would like to do is have that input automagically appear in (C) of the same row.
Thanks in advance for any assistance on this query,