Good afternoon all,
I am kind of a newbee in using Excel so please explain to me in a nice and simple way, please. Here is what I am trying to do:
COMBO BOX #1 (transport lists) = 1)Car 2)Plane 3)Boat
COMBO BOX #2 (transport maker) = 1)Dodge 2)Ford 3)nissan 4)Honda
COMBO BOX #3 (transport colo) = 1)Red 2)Blue 3) Green 4) Pink 5)Yellow
If I pick in COMBO BOX #1 = BOAT
I need for COMBO BOX #2 to only show = Nissan and Honda (as options)
& COMBO BOX #3 to only show = RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW (as options)
COMBO BOX #1 - in the properties, I change the "list fill range" to
sheet 1!AX4:AX10
COMBO BOX #2 - in the properties, I change the "list fill range" to
sheet 1!BX4:BX10
COMBO BOX #3 - in the properties, I change the "list fill range" to
sheet 1!CX4:CX10
am I going about this wrong? Is there another way to sort this out, If so please help.