Try SUMIF. For example, let's say your dates are in col.
A, values to sum in col. B, and all this is in a sheet
named "mysheet". With a date in A1 of a new sheet, use:
Atlanta, GA
>-----Original Message-----
>I have an Excel spreadsheet with two columns. Column 1
contains a date e.g.
>01 Jan 2005, column 2 contains a number.
>The rows are organized by date. I can have variable
number (rows) of days
>per month ... but all days are "bunched together"
>I would like to either create a new sheet where I have
the days summarized,
>in other words I want one row to contain 01Jan2005 with
the total of column 2
>another row with the total of 02jan2005 etc.
>I have been trying to figure this one out. Any help
would be greatly
>appreciate it.
>Thank You!