Using XL2003 on Win XP Pro with all the latest patches etc, a rather
strange thing is now occurring in the VBE.

Each time I open a file in Excel, it appears in the VBAProject list
(as per normal) and all works as expected ... no problems there.

However, when I close the file in Excel, the listing in the VBAProject
window doesn't update and still shows the file I just closed.

Furthermore, even with no files open in Excel, I can still view the
closed file's VBA project modules & code (I haven't tried userforms
but I expect they would be the same).

If I open my original file again, I then get two files with the same
name showing in my VBE.

The only way I've found to clear the VBAProject list is to close and
re-open Excel.

I tried Excel's detect & repair but that didn't make any difference.

Any ideas? It's really annoying!


Jeff Robson