Instead of Insert|Hyperlink, maybe you could use the =hyperlink() worksheet
David McRitchie posted this and it might help you:
=HYPERLINK("#"&CELL("address",'sheet two'!C5),'sheet two'!C5)
Hari wrote:
> Hi,
> If I set up hyperlink from one cell to a cell in another wksheet (same
> workbook), then the link doesnt get updated if I change the name of the
> target wksheet.
> On the contrary if i write a formula in sheet1 of cell A1 -- =Sheet2!D15 --
> then when i change the name of the worksheet Sheet2 to NewSheet2, the
> formula in sheet1 of cell A1 also gets updated to -- =Newssheet!D15
> How is it that formulas get updated on changing name of the wksheet, but
> hyperlinks dont get updated?
> --
> Thanks a lot,
> Hari
> India
Dave Peterson