That worked. Thanks for your help.
"Ken Wright" wrote:
> You need to delete any empty modules that housed those macros.
> Hit ALT+F11 and this will open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor)
> Top left you will hopefully see an explorer style pane. Within this pane
> you need to search for
> your workbook's name, and when you find it you may need to click on the + to
> expand it. Within
> that you should see the following:-
> VBAProject(Your_Filename)
> Microsoft Excel Objects
> Sheet1(Sheet1)
> Sheet2(Sheet2)
> Sheet3(Sheet3)
> ThisWorkbook
> Modules
> Module1
> Module2
> etc etc (You may have just 1 of these)
> If you have named your sheets then those names will appear in the brackets
> above as opposed to
> what you see at the moment in my note.
> Right click on the modules and select remove. When prompted with a question
> re exporting, just
> hit no. Then hit File / Close and return to Microsoft Excel and save the
> file.
> --
> Regards
> Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
> Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "ARSmythe" <> wrote in message
> > My file used to have several Macros, but I've deleted all of them (using
> > Tools-Macros-All Open Workbooks). However, users of this file are still
> > prompted at the beginning to enable/disable the macros. I need to
> eliminate
> > this step. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
> >
> > Adam
> > Excel 2000