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Convert Word Table -> Excel without merged cells?

  1. #1

    Convert Word Table -> Excel without merged cells?

    Whenver I copy/paste tables from word to excel, I get merged cells in
    Excel whenever there are line breaks in the word table cells. How can
    I avoid this?


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Convert Word Table -> Excel without merged cells?

    Saved from a previous post:

    If your cells in your word table contain paragraph mark or linebreak characters,
    then excel will bring them over as separate cells.

    One way around it is to convert those paragraph marks & linebreaks to unique
    characters, then copy|paste and then convert them back to linefeeds.

    I like this technique (inside a copy of the word file):
    Select your table.
    Edit|replace|Special (show More if required)
    Find what: (paragraph mark under Special button)
    replace with: $$$$$ (if $$$$$ doesn't appear in the table)
    replace all

    Same thing with Manual Line break (from under Special).

    Now copy the table into Excel.

    Replace what: $$$$$
    Replace with: hit and hold the alt and type 0010 from the number pad--not above

    It may look like you haven't done anything, but if you did it right, you
    replaced $$$$$ with alt-enter.
    Replace all.

    Don't forget to close the word document without saving (or hit undo as many
    times as necessary).

    And I when I copied and pasted from word to excel, my borders came along for the
    ride. On the other hand, if I didn't have borders applied in word (just showing
    the gridlines), then those gridlines won't come over.

    You could apply borders to your excel data or even show the gridlines for all
    the cells.

    Tools|option|view tab|check gridlines

    or select your table (in excel)
    format|cells|Border tab
    and give it a nice border

    Steve wrote:
    > Whenver I copy/paste tables from word to excel, I get merged cells in
    > Excel whenever there are line breaks in the word table cells. How can
    > I avoid this?
    > TIA
    > Steve


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Andy Brown

    Re: Convert Word Table -> Excel without merged cells?

    "Steve" <none@none.org> wrote in message
    > Whenver I copy/paste tables from word to excel, I get merged cells in
    > Excel whenever there are line breaks in the word table cells.

    Do you mean split cells?

    Select the Word table and do a replace (CTRL+H) ; "Find What" = "^p"
    (without the quotes -- this is the code for paragraph marker), "Replace
    with" = something unique eg: $$$.

    Once you've copied and pasted into Excel, do another replace ("Find What" =
    "$$$" ; click in the "Replace with" box & type 0010 on the Number keypad
    while holding down ALT ; click OK).

    You may have to apply text wrapping (Format -- Cells -- Alignment) to top &


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