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how to avoid duplicates in excel workbook?

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  1. #1

    how to avoid duplicates in excel workbook?


    Question: How to avoid duplication in excel workbook.Suppose if the name of
    the company is (ABC Inc.)entered in one sheet, and while entering the same
    company name(i.e. ABC Inc.) in other sheet, the excel should show a message
    that the company name already exist in so and so sheet name.

    Pls provide me the detailed answer along with the required tools to solve
    the above problem.

    Thanking You

  2. #2

    Re: how to avoid duplicates in excel workbook?


    Thus link is quite good for duplicate testing etc.


    Thanks a lot,

    "smart" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hello,
    > Question: How to avoid duplication in excel workbook.Suppose if the name

    > the company is (ABC Inc.)entered in one sheet, and while entering the same
    > company name(i.e. ABC Inc.) in other sheet, the excel should show a

    > that the company name already exist in so and so sheet name.
    > Pls provide me the detailed answer along with the required tools to solve
    > the above problem.
    > Thanking You

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