Try this:

First, assuming your inventory numbers are in column A, in column B write:


This will show only the 4 digits to the right.

Then do a data sort using column B as the sorting column.

This should solve your problem.


"Rob" wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to thank all in advance for helping with this. Here is my
> problem:
> I am trying to make a spreadsheet to list all of our inventory items. We
> currently use Great Plains as our financial and manufacturing software, and
> all of our inventory numbers are like this:
> 1-10-3001
> 1-10-3099
> 1-11-3013
> 1-12-3005
> 2-15-2099
> etc. (We have approx. 7,000 inventory items)
> Now here is the dilema, the first sets of numbers (2-15-XXXX) are for the
> computer use, and the the last four (X-XX-2099) are how the parts are sorted
> and used by the people on the floor. So I get a report from Great Plains
> that is sorted by the first digits, but I need the report sorted by the last
> four digits of that part number :
> 2-15-2099
> 1-10-3001
> 1-12-3005
> 1-11-3013
> 1-10-3099
> I have experimented with macros and other ways, to no avail.
> Also as a note the first column is the part numbers, 2nd column is the part
> description, 3rd column is the unit of measure, and 4th column is the
> quantity on hand.
> Again, any help will be greatly appriciated.
> --
> Thanks,
> Rob