How can I get the sql query that behind the report i built with the pivot?

Actually, all I want to do, becuse Im not good in SQL, is to 'drag and drop' fields in the pivot - to make the exactly report and table as I want, and then to "take" the SQL syntax behind that pivot table report and run it in my webpage or even just to run it in the "query analayzer". how could I get the SQL syntax that build the specific report I created in pivot?
I know that there is some option to "convert" the pivot report to an OLAP cube. mybe that can be a good solution - I will "convert" the report I made to OLAP and then open that cube, even in notepad, and copy the query from there. is it possible???? if it is, how???
Please help me.
thank you very much.

I dont mean, in my word: SQL query, to the main pivot table query that given me all the data from the datasource.
I mean to the SQL query that build the custom report I created with the main data.