Hi Everyone
I am Looking for some help with a formula.
I have a set of values split into two columns. One column represents a "name", then second column represents a "quantity" against that name.
I would like to write a formula that will display a list of "names" that have the highest number in the quantity column.
For example, lets assume that there are 10 values in the both the name and quantity column.
The Highest value in the quantity column may be shared across multiple names. I.e. lets assume the highest quantity is 5, and this is shared by Tom, **** & Harry.
I would like a formula that would list the values: Tom, ****, Harry in a single cell.
I would like this cell to be dynamic, so if I update the quantity against Tom and **** to 6 in the original table, then Harry will disappear from my results of the formula.
I hope that all makes sense. Hopefully someone can help :-)
Example Excel for Formula.xlsx