Hi All, looking for help with the following.
Cell B7 = required length.
Cell G7 = actual length.
Cell G5 = minimum length.
Cell H5 = B7 + 10
Cell I5 = B7 + 1%
Cell J6 = Result
I would like J6 to display "PASS" if G7 is equal to G5 or Between G5 and H5 or I5
J6 would display "FAIL" if above is not met (or G7 is less than G5 or not Between H5 and I5)
Background would be solid red for fail and solid green for pass.
So in words the measured length must be equal to the required length (no less) and equal to the required length + 1% or 10 (not %) whichever is the greatest.
Example 1
800mm required.
Measurements and results below.
799- Fail
800 to 810 Pass
811+ Fail
Many thanks for looking.