Hi all
I am trying to calculate the number of periods a list of employees has had sick in a rolling 12 month period, and, whether these have reached our absence triggers:
3 periods in 6 months
4 periods in 12 months
20 days in 12 months
Using a previous thread, I've been able to do this on an individual level for a single employee, however this doesn't work for a spreadsheet of multiple employees in its current form. I do have a unique identifier in the spreadsheet, it is just how I add in the additional condition to tell the formula to only count pay numbers that match the one that applies to that row.
Sample spreadsheet attached, I'm looking to populate the columns filled yellow. The 8 days in 12 months may take more work as there are a number of different shift patterns to consider at that point(!)
Sample Datasheet.xlsx
Thanks in advance for your help!