Hello! I'm so stuck with creating a training matrix! Please help me!
It's a large spreadsheet all on one tab/page. There is a column down the left with staff names, a row at the top with all the modules to complete. Once completed, I enter the date that this module needs to be refreshed by the member of staff. What I want is the following...
- When I enter a date into a cell I want that cell to turn green.
- When there is one month or less until the date in the cell, I want the cell to turn orange (as a warning that the staff members module will need refreshing in less than a month.)
- When the refresher date has arrived/passed, I want the cell to turn red, to let us know that this persons training has now expired.
When there is no date in a cell and it is left blank, I want it to stay white.
Is this even possible? I've managed to do the red one, but not the orange or green!
Thank you so much, in advance!