I have a drop-down field with 6 different values, and based on each value, whichever one is selected, I want it to highlight the entire row of data (approximately 10 columns) in one unique color based on the value in the drop-down, and I want to apply it to the whole worksheet. Drop-down values and the colors I want their entire rows to turn if their values are selected are:

Prospect - gray
Lost - pink
Tentative - 1st Option - light blue
Tentative - Space Available - light green
Waived - orange

Each row represents a different account and so depending on which value in the drop-down above is selected, I would want each row to take on the color assigned to the value in that one cell in its row.

How do I create the Conditional Formatting formula that turns a whole row one unique color based on its unique value in one cell, so that I could have one row that's gray, one that's pink, one that's orange, etc., based on the values selected?