Column E does not give you hours and minutes. Moreover you changed formula there with subtaction of 80 minutes.
The formula returns hours and hundredths of hour, not hours and minutes. So in E6 you have 10.30 which is 10h18
If you have time used in minutes in (let's stay in row 6) written in F6 as 80 then formula in E6 shall read:
but if you have it written in F6 as 01:20:00 (so again 80 minutes) then in E6 use:
By the way, you can do all calculations using time being presented as "Excel time". Key to success if you want to present numbers hihgher than 24 hrs is using custom formatting
[hh]:mm - see Cell G4, where I changed formula to:
In copy of your sheet I tried to correct all calculations to use just time. the only exception is calculation of Accumulated days in K3
Change checkout in D15 to 2:04PM and observe changes in K3 (and J3 - here will be just one minute increase)