I am new to a role and am trying to make things somewhat easier...
We have a website that we need to extract data from, however, the 'export data' option does not paste in the format required, so it is being copied (ctrl c & ctrl v) onto a blank excel spreadsheet.
I have attached a sample of the data being extracted and I believe the reasoning behind the extra lines lies in the columns G & H (I think) - where there are multiple comments from the nurse, they seem to go into separate lines, but then at the bottom there is also an extra row that is blank. Every row is over 2 rows, some are over 3 depending on what is in column H.
I have tried Find and Select and remove blanks, however, that just deletes all of it.
Some of the data we extract has over 200 rows of data so deleting each row individually just isn't an option.
The company that created the website that we extract the data from have said there is nothing they can do from their end, so I am hoping and praying to the Excel wonders that someone out there might have a suggestion!
I would be eternally grateful and I think it would earn me some proper kudos if I can solve this nightmare!
Thanks in advance you wonderful bunch of humans