I have a form which my counterparts in Asia - Mostly China, Taiwan, and Vietnam - are completing for me. This form includes a lot of conditional formatting to ensure the form is completed correctly. This includes a check to make sure the quote date is entered and in the correct format. The problem is the form doesn't recognize the date as being entered correctly so the conditional formatting is wrong.
The desired outcome is for the cell background to be yellow until a date is entered into the cell, then the cell turns to white.
In the example I provided, the cell has a value of '8/13/2024', which should display as '08/13/24' due to the text formatting, however the cell treats the value as text and the conditional formatting check is false so the cell stays yellow. I have been unable to recreate the issue on my end: for example, if I cut the cell contents and paste them back, the cell recognizes the date, displays '08/13/24', and turns white.
Rules I have tried:
"cells that contain" using a value between 1 and 54789
However, I think it's a problem with how Excel localizes the date input so the form doesn't properly recognize it and I have no idea how to compensate.