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Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

  1. #1
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    Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour


    We have a shared workbook in our group at work, that was created on desktop Excel some time ago and is now a live document on a member's OneDrive.
    It now gets edited by several people through the webapp 365 interface.
    The behaviour below has been observed from before the document was taken live online.

    Simply put, cutting and pasting a cell results in the original cell location turning cyan colour, rather than the general white that the rest of the worksheet is.
    Seems rivial but when the workaround is to copy the cell instead and then go back to delete the contents of the original, this results in a lot of clicking around.

    There doesn't appear to be any conditional formatting in the sheet at all.

    I suspected that maybe there is a background colour of the entire worksheet or woorkbook and that the cells are FILLED in white.
    However I can't find anywhere to adjust the background colour, or even that such a thing exists seperately to cell fill colours.

    I would love the cut cell to simply turn plain white once its contents has been pasted elsewhere.

    Any suggestions?

    This even stumped ChatGPT :-)
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    Welcome to the forum.

    Don't cut - use copy & paste instead, then just delete the contents of the cell you copied from.

    This even stumped ChatGPT :-)
    That's not much of a surprise - it's rubbish. Human Excel users are much more relaible.

    Attach the workbook and I'll have a look for you (instructions in the yellow banner at the top). There must be some generic formatting somewhere but I can't troubleshoot a picture.

    PS It wasn't the King's birthday on 11 June - it was mine, the big 6-0!!!

    His birthday is 14 November (official monarch's birthday is a Saturday in June - 15 June this year).
    Last edited by AliGW; 06-20-2024 at 02:03 AM.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    Hi Ali,

    Copy rather than cut is the current method, but it takes a lot more clicking around that the task should.
    As you can see this is a very simple resoursing allocation schedule and we change it ALL the time, with the move common alteration being a cell moving positions.

    There are better ways to track a schedule, but I am not in charge of this sheet nor am I in a position to change solutions.

    Given that I am bound to using this for now, I'd rather be able to drag cells around or cut/paste them withough having to go back and reformat the original cell.

    PLUS, I don't like not understanding WHY something is happening and it bugs me everytime I use the sheet.

    I have attached the offline copy of the workbook here and have confirmed that the behaviour persists in Excel desktop application.

    Many thanks,


    PS, Happy birthday!
    PPS, the Monarch's official birthday here in Australia was Monday 10 June this year.
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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    Where did this workbook come from originally? Poking around the Internet suggests that workbooks can sometimes hang on to hidden formatting that was there in a previous workbook that this one was based on. If you created the workbook from scratch, then I can't explain it.

    Row 3 doesn't seem to be affected, oddly.

    I was going to offer a conditional formatting workaround, but it won't work because of the many cells that have colour formatting, but no text (sadly not just weekends, which I could have catered for).

    If you scroll right, you'll see that the empty cells are cyan - that formatting should have been removed before the calendar was constructed. You can remove it now only from cells that haven't had other formatting applied.

    Here's the good news: I have found that copying the calendar a few columns at a time into a new blank worksheet seems to get rid of the cyan. I haven't done the whole calendar, but you could finish it yourself and see if that fixes the issue. It WON'T work if you try to do it all in one go.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    Hi Ali,

    Thanks for taking the time and working through a few things for me there.

    The spreadsheet is probably pretty old. More than a few years at least, or has been copied from an old sheet.

    Intertesting that an expert is not clear on why this is happening. Somewhat validates my confusion/madness.

    I'll ignore my desire to know what is happening and follow your work around.

    Thanks again!

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    I am no expert - just an enthusiastic user. I could not find any other cluse on the Internet.

    Sometimes you have to put these things down to 'undocumented features', work round them and move on. Like you, I would prefer to know exactly what's going on, but there aren't enough hours in the day or days in the life.

    Glad to have helped.

    If that takes care of your original question, please choose Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. You can also access the SOLVED tag by editing the opening post and choosing SOLVED from the drop-down to the left of the title box.

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  7. #7
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    Thanks again!

    You know I tried simply making a new sheet in the same workbook ONLINE and copying a few columns from the original over to it.
    The behavour did not transfer.

    Just to check, I copied the entire year of data into the new sheet and PRESTO, no cyan formatting!

    I guess that the online 365 Excel app handled the situation differently to your expereince.
    In anycase, the issue is gone. Brilliant.

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Worksheet BACKGROUND Colour vs Cell FILL Colour

    Well, there you go - sometimes the simplest thing is to ditch the troublesome worksheet.

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